Happy New Year
Happy New Year

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas

Happy Thanksgiving
May your Thanksgiving be filled with gratitude and cheer!

In this week's post, we'll be going over the basics of guardianships in Oklahoma. Read on to learn more!

Easements are commonly found on most properties. In fact, your home most likely has at least one easement on it. But what exactly is an easement? Let’s dive in!

Life Estate Ownership
In this post, we’ll be discussing life estates and how they are created!

Quiet Title
We’ll be discussing quiet title actions in this post. Read on to learn more about quiet title in Oklahoma!

Oil and Gas Interests: Putting It All Together
We’ve discussed the different kinds of oil and gas interests. It’s time to see how all of these interests work together. Read on to learn more!

Intestate Succession for Children in Blended Families
In this week’s post, we’ll go over how Oklahoma’s intestacy statutes affect estate distribution for children in blended families. You can think of blended families as families where one or more children are not the natural-born child of both parents, or as families where the deceased has been married more than once.

Division Orders
You may have received a Division Order in the mail. Not sure what it means? Well, you’ve come to the right place—we’ll be discussing the ins and outs of Division Orders in this post, so read on to learn more!

Surface Damages Act
This post will cover Oklahoma’s Surface Damages Act. Read on to learn more about this act can protect your surface rights!

Marketable Title
We’ll be going over the basics to marketable title in this post. Keep reading to learn more about marketable title and some of the curative measures Oklahoma law has built into place!

Funding Your Trust
You’ve created your trust—congratulations! But wait, there’s more! Next, you’ll need to fully fund your trust. This is a very important step, but is one that is easy to overlook. An unfunded or partially funded trust may result in your estate ultimately needing to be probated, which you’ve worked so hard to avoid. Let’s discuss the importance of funding your trust!

Revocable Vs. Irrevocable Trusts
What is the difference between revocable and irrevocable trusts? Check out this week’s post where we’ll go over some key differences!

Lost Wills in Oklahoma
In today’s post, we’ll go over what happens when an original Last Will and Testament is lost and why it’s so important to keep yours in a safe place. Read on the learn more!

Joint Tenancy Ownership
In this post, we’ll be taking a closer look at joint tenancy.

Ways to Hold Title - Real Property
In this post, we’ll be discussing the different ways you can hold title to real estate property.

More Oil and Gas Lease Clauses
In this post, we’ll continue our overview of Oil and Gas Lease clauses. Not all of the clauses we’ll be discussing here are considered standard clauses, but may instead be negotiated and made part of an Oil and Gas Lease through an addendum. Generally speaking, if a clause found in an addendum conflicts with the terms of the lease, the additional clause will prevail. Remember that in an Oil and Gas Lease, the mineral owner is called the “Lessor” and the oil and gas company is called the “Lessee.”

Transfer on Death Deeds
Today we’ll be discussing the Transfer on Death Deed (“TODD”) and how these deeds can be a useful tool for landowners. Oklahoma authorized the use of a TODD in 2008 by the Nontestamentary Transfer of Property Act. But what exactly is a TODD? Let’s dive in!

How to Avoid Probate
In our last post, we discussed the probate process. Today we will be discussing ways that you may be able to avoid probate of your estate. Read on to learn how!